Network designer require to consider type of media transmission depending on network needs. Different media have different specifications for throughput, cost, noise immunity, size, and scalability.
Throughput is one of the main factors for choosing transmission method. While in theory signal can travel with speed of light, in practice it is limited by media physical characteristics and multiplexing techniques. Since the fiber-optic does not use electrical current but uses light, its throughput is higher. Node equipment in the network and the noise are also decreasing throughput. The noise distortion is taking more time from a circuit, giving less time for transmission. Different fiber access equipment have different throughput characteristics.
When choosing medium for the network, cost is one of the main factors for consideration. Although we are talking about the media cost, it is necessary to understand that use of different media might require existing hardware upgrade or installation of new one. Another factor for consideration is the installation cost. It depends on geographical location and financial situation in the region. If the new lines from service provider are necessary to be installed it might significantly increase costs.
Designer should decide if the re-usage of existing infrastructure is cheaper than installation of new wiring and equipment. If designer decide to upgrade just part of the infrastructure, he/she should think if old and new media could work together.
Maintenance and support of the network is included into cost discussion. If reused network saves money, but its maintenance is expensive and constant, it does not save any money. Meanwhile installation of high-tech media type might require hiring a technician for its maintenance.
Network should be balanced between transmission cost and its productivity. Transmission rate should not be smaller than the one required for optimal productivity. At the same time it should not be greater much, since it will increase cost.
Making stable network is essential for most business enterprises, since short downtime may result into thousands dollars loss. If the company is providing services, it is necessary to minimize downtime.
Media chosen for the network should be up-to date and upgrade proof for at least 10 years. If the freshly installed infrastructure gets old in one year, costs will be increased in the frequent upgrade. Installing long-term solution might have greater initial cost, but it will be paid over time.