Transmission media can and will be affected by the noise coming from inner and outer sources. That is when noise immunity factor kicks in. Since different types of media has greater or smaller affects by the noise it is necessary to choose type of media depending on situation. Noise is affecting data signals, but since fiber-optic does not use electric current it is less affected type of media.
Several points that will help in avoiding or decreasing electromagnetic forces:
Wiring should be deployed far from powerful electromagnetic forces
Type of the transmission media should be the one that will help decreasing noise. Wireless signal is much more affected by noise than wired.
Antinoise algorithms can be used for data protection and error avoiding.
External conduit for the wiring will protect data traveling over media, if the conduit is made of metal. The pipeline might be alternative option.
Based on the media type and data transmission electrical characteristics designer can know the maximum network size in nodes, segments, and total length. These values determine networks size and scalability. Latency and attenuation are defining the amount of nodes in the network and maximum segment length. Segments might be populated if there are end nodes and unpopulated (or link segments) if the part of the network is having no end nodes.
Length of each segment in a network is defined by the cabling type. If the cable segment will be longer than defined maximum length the signal loss will occur. To avoid that repeaters should be installed between the segments allowing signal travel further.