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SFU – Single Family Unit EPON ONU

August 19, 2013 at 4:10 am
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SFU – Single Family Unit EPON ONU

According our statistics, Single Family Unit's, or SFU's are most popular EPON ONU's ordered and shipped worldwide, and it really does not depends on a market or country. Of course, types of SFU's vary. For example as one classifier, SFU's can be divided in Indoor Type ONU's, or in Outdoor type. If we look at various business models used by FTTx ...

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Point to Point vs Point to Multipoint Communication Schemes

August 16, 2013 at 4:14 am
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Point to Point vs Point to Multipoint Communication Schemes

What are the differences between Point to Point vs Point to Multipoint Communication Schemes? When do you choose Point to Point and when - Point to Multipoint? Of course, everything comes down not only for a type of services and network you are planning and building (Is it LAN, WAN or MAN?) and also it's type - Access, Core, Last Mile? Different types of transmissions ...

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