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TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Segments and Fields

December 25, 2013 at 3:27 am
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TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Segments and Fields

TCP is providing data delivery services while being located in Transport layer of OSI and TCP/IP models. TCP requires established connection before the data transmission begin, so it is called connection -oriented subprotocol. TCP is ensuring connection is established before transmission.   Figure 1. A TCP segment TCP is providing reliable data delivery with the help of sequencing and checksums. Without TCP data ...

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TCP/IP model vs OSI model

December 16, 2013 at 7:16 am
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TCP/IP model vs OSI model

TCP/IP model has been developed much later after OSI model. OSI was developed as theoretical model, while TCP/IP was more practical. TCP/IP is having just four layers in oppose to seven layers of OSI. All the layers are roughly corresponding to the osi model as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. The TCP/IP model compared with the OSI model Application layer is ...

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