What is Time Division Multiplexing? Supporting our customers daily, we sometimes get this question, and mostly because various references mention, that EPON and GPON protocols use TDM - Time Division Multiplexing in a direction from ONU to OLT. We also discuss that more in details in this article, which talks about Layer 1 structure in GPON/EPON.
To understand this, let's answer the ...
FDM multiplexing
What are main differences of WDM vs FDM multiplexing? Let us delve in details.
In this type of multiplexing, every subchannel is having its own frequency band, which is the reason technology is called frequency division multiplexing. Each subchannel has been modulated with different frequencies before being multiplexed to the single channel. It allows usage of single line for up ...
Baseband is type of transmission that is using current to send signal over the wire as digital wave. It can transmit only one signal at a time, due to requirement of the exclusive use of the wire. This type of transmission is allowing only on device to transmit in the network at one time, while other devices need to wait ...
Every network has its capacity or bandwidth. This constant defines amount of data that can be transmitted in one second. Sometimes it is called bandwidth (although there are different uses of term bandwidth in networking). The data throughput is measured in amount of bits transmitted per one second. The prefixes define amount of zeros after the number - kilobits for ...
Some time ago we discussed Layer 1, or physical layer in PON communication systems. Now, in terms of OSI model, access network, and PON networks are access networks at it's best, exists at Layer 2. Because when we talk about Layer 2 - we usually mean Virtual Local Area Networks, or VLAN's, which is a core terms for Ethernet based ...